Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 16 Sandy Creek Trail

This trail crosses the Allegheny River Trail to follow very scenic Sandy Creek toward Van PA. The trail is high above the creek and views are quite nice on the numerous bridges over the creek. We rode through one tunnel along the route, complete with lots of graffiti. 

Wildflowers were very nice along this section. We also saw several deer. Of the three trails we rode in the section of Pennsylvania, this was our favorite.

July 16 Allegheny River Trail and Indian God Rock

Crossing the Allegheny River on this old bridge was fun. Views were far in both directions and we were well above the river. The Allegheny cuts a trough between two ridges as it works its way toward Pittsburgh. After crossing this bridge we had to walk the bikes down a steep staircase to the river level and off we rode downriver. About 4 miles from the bridge is one of the most significant Native American petroglyphs in the East. The rock was used as a land mark by the Native Americans and early European travelers. The side of the rock facing the river was covered in pictograms. Much of it has been defaced by more modern graffiti. I could not get to the pictograms but did see many carving from the late 1880's.

Feb 28 Mayo River Hikes

  I think this is a Cayuga duck. While sitting in the picnic pavilion at Mayo River State Park, this guy and his mate approached and patient...