Monday, November 2, 2015

Oct 30 Stone Mountain

Today's hike is the loop with Wolf Rock added. The colors were expected to be better but this is what we get this year. You have to enjoy what you get. This shot shows water cascading over the exposed rock face.

Stone Mountain is a series of exposed rock expanses like this one. Once you attain the elevation to the top, this is you view.

This waterfall has more water in it than normal. Its noisy descent was music to my ears. It never stops. How can that be?

There is a farm near here. It is now part of the park. Whenever I am here, I wonder what they thought of the view that faced them everyday.

Oct 26 Hanging Rock Ridge

Cantilevered Rock

It is a bit overcast and was even raining a bit on the ride to Hanging Rock State Park. Driving up the park road was like entering a tunnel of yellow and orange. The trees really put on their best show.

Hiking up Hanging Rock Trail, I veered right before reaching the top, on the faint path which leads out Hanging Rock Ridge. Again the colors were on display. My first glimpse of the gulf between me and Indian Face was quite colorful.

After spending some time on both sides of the ridge, taking in the views, I continued on out the ridge. Expecting to see more of a path and possibly some flagging, I was inadvertently tracking right when I should have been  tracking left. Not hitting the gap dead on embarrassed me. I wanted to attribute it to the leaves obscuring my sense of direction. After a good 20 minutes and no sign of the plane wreckage I intended to find, I decided to abort and make my way back. After all, those leaves were a nuisance. 

American Holly

Retracing back to the trail was easy. One particular spot on one of the exposed rocks was exceptionally colorful with this Holly and what I think are some bright red sourwoods.


Bottle Gentian 

Oct 23 American Tobacco Trail

This couple races to the bathroom

It's a gorgeous day for a bicycle ride. My routine ride is from New Hill trailhead to I-40 bidge and back. Today, New Hill parking area is being regraded. There is a small parking area before the gate and I manage to squeeze into a spot. By the time I return, the regular parking area has been fully graded and is half full of cars.

It's a water stop too

Since my last ride, a new facility had sprouted right on the Wake/Chatham County line. It looks like an exquisite porta potty complete with all the outside amenities as well as a couple tall steel figures, seemingly racing to the bathroom. The new facility sports a huge parking area. We can expect even greater crowds on the greenway. Nearby signs warn of a running race tomorrow. 

Fall colors at Beaver Creek

My 29 mile route ends nearby this scene along Beaver Creek. There are almost always Sliders sunning themselves and a Kingfisher or other birds drawn to the water.

Feb 28 Mayo River Hikes

  I think this is a Cayuga duck. While sitting in the picnic pavilion at Mayo River State Park, this guy and his mate approached and patient...