Monday, October 10, 2011

Oct 8 Hanging Rock State Park's 75th Anniversary

Hanging Rock State Park, one of the gems of the North Carolina state park system, celebrated a special occasion, a 75th anniversary. In April 1936 over 3000 acres were donated to the state for creation of the park. All current staff and all former staff, including the CCC boys, were invited. Events began with a pig picking and covered dish picnic followed by a short presentation and awards ceremony given by current park Superintendent Dave Cook. Awards were given to staff for longest serving: 27 years, farthest travel: Idaho, youngest to live in the park: from birth, and a few other longest, oldest, youngest. 

Souvenirs were available. You can still drop by the park visitors center and buy one.  

Following the picnic, the crowd made their way the the National Historic Register Bath House built by the CCC, next to the 12 acre lake also constructed by the CCC. Historian extraordinaire, Harley Jolley entertained everyone. Ninety one years young, Harley worked the crowd, storytelling at its best. Former staff members told war stories, some funny and some serious. Finally all the talking ceased and fiddles came out.

Afternoon ran into evening and guests left the park, except for a few who stayed to camp and spend another day in their old haunting grounds.

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Jan 4 Upper North Prong Hannahs Creek

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