Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Nov 12 Kephart Prong Trail

CCC Building's chimney

With an afternoon rain headed this way, I opted to shorten my hike today. Kephart Prong Trail seemed like just the right trail to take if rain was coming. It is either an old road or an old railbed for its entirety. Lots of history on the trail too. The first area of note is the former CCC and later CO (Conscientious Objector) Camp. An old sign structure and some boxwoods mark the spot. A chimney and water fountain still stand. Debris lies about the area too.

A bit further uptrail, a couple concrete structures on the left, mark the spot where the CCC built a fish hatchery. Still further up, one can see some old rails from the narrow gauge railroad used to log the area. 

CCC water fountain

At the trail junction with Sweat Heifer Creek and Grassy Branch Trails, sits Kephart shelter. This stone and wood shelter has been renovated along with all others in the park. It sports a bottom and top sleeping levels, a large open area and cooking table. I didn't appear to have been recently used as the fire areas looked caked. 

Footbridge over Kephart Prong

About the time I finished this out and back, it began to rain. Perfect timing.

Fire brick in CCC fireplace

Tree is toppling CCC sign

Sign structure for CCC Camp

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