Saturday, November 1, 2014

Oct 30-31 New River Trail Bicycling

My ride began in Draper on the New River Trail. It took 6 1/2 hours to bicycle the 46 miles to Galax where I spent the night. The following day I took the same amount of time to make the easier return ride to Draper.

Leaves covered much of the trail but I did not have any bad encounters with hidden rocks or nuts. As always, care needs to be taken when riding alongside the cliffs. Often there are fallen rocks in the trail; sometimes obscured by autumn leaves. 

Above is the approach to Hiwassee Bridge. The video at the bottom of the blog follows my approach and crossing of the bridge. The videos sometimes seem like I am traveling at a high rate of speed but really I am only doing 9 or 10 mph. 

The state of Virginia renovated the exterior of the Foster Falls Hotel during the past year. It served as a hotel and orphanage during its 125 year existence. I don't know what the state plans to do. There is a nice new parking area to accompany the hotel. The 3 adjacent buildings have either been renovated or are in the process. As you can see from the 2 photos below, the exterior is the only part which was renovated. I took the photos through a couple windows. 

My favorite bridge (near Ivanhoe)

Major work was being done to the Appalachian Power Company's Byllesby Dam. The wood planks which hold back the water had all been removed. The impounded area behind the dam has returned to almost its original riverbed. It looks like you could walk across the river in a number of spots on nice sandy surface. There was also some nice new sandy beaches. 

You don't want one of these to hit your head

It is an Osage orange which is related to mulberry not oranges. The small bumps are called drupes. The fruit has a latex based fluid and is not edible. This one is quite heavy and I'd hate to think what would happen if one hit your head.

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Feb 28 Mayo River Hikes

  I think this is a Cayuga duck. While sitting in the picnic pavilion at Mayo River State Park, this guy and his mate approached and patient...