Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Dec 2 Lions Mane

You've probably seen this fungus growing on trees. It looks shaggy, like a lion's mane. The spikes are soft and can be broken off easily. When cut, the fungus reminds me of slicing a cauliflower. They will absorb water more than most fungi. This one was sodden and quite heavy. 

Lion's mane has so many health benefits, they are too numerous to list all. Besides being a tasty fungus, it is grown for commercial purposes. Often found in powdered form as a health supplement, lion's mane's is widely used in Asian countries. A couple of compounds found in the fungus promote the growth of brain cells, improving memory. Animal studies have shown some improvement for Alzheimer's disease. Other health claims involve treating heart disease, anxiety, depression, cancer and managing diabetes symptoms. It also boosts the immune system. However, all these benefits disappear when supplements are stopped. 

I decided not to cook this one since it had absorbed so much water from recent rains. 

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Feb 28 Mayo River Hikes

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