Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Feb 17 Betty McGee Creek Bridge


It's muddy out there

Back in 2019, the process began to replace the bridge at Thornburg Farm over Betty McGee Creek. The old bridge had survived many years and remained in place with a cable attached to a tree. About 5 years back, the Uwharrie Trailblazers raised the bridge and built up supports after it took a beating during a storm. It had a railing before the storm but that was gone. It survived again until 2 years ago when it was left tilted both lengthwise and widthwise. The Trailblazers asked the Forest Service what could be done. An engineer looked at it with Mike Spisak, then the district ranger. Some flagging went up about 100 feet downriver and it stayed there until last week.

The Forest Service hired a contractor from China Grove to built a new bridge. No expense was spared. This one is a beauty. 

The dirt bike helps when a tool is needed back at the truck parked by the trailhead.

The old bridge

The trail will jog over to the bridge and back on the other side. These relocations will be done by the contractor. It looks like about 100 feet on both sides. This work has already been roughed in and fill dirt being used to secure the supports. Quite a few golf balls have been unearthed during this work. Oddly, all were found on river right. None on the other side.

The contractor also will re-grade the road from Thornburg farm to the creek, although it looks like it needs more than re-grading.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jim, Great report.

The new bridge looks stout, but it appears to be at flood level. What's your thought on the height of the new bridge? Is the bottom of it above flood level?

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  I think this is a Cayuga duck. While sitting in the picnic pavilion at Mayo River State Park, this guy and his mate approached and patient...