Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Apr 3 Burnt Pine Hike and Flora MacDonald


Allan and Flora really lived in the Uwharries. It was for a year or two and then they got mixed up on the wrong side of a battle. It seems Flora has a propensity for picking the wrong side. We are on Forest Service property and there place was right here along Cheek Creek in Montgomery County.

I mentioned to a friend that I heard that Flora MacDonald lived in this area. Little did I know that my friend maintained the memorial and knew every inch of their property. Then she took me to the unusual cemetery next.

Next stop on the history tour of the county is to a forgotten cemetery on a dead end road. These gravestones seem very much out of place for these parts. There had to be a sizeable Celtic population here. Check out the shape and the names on these graves. 

Burnt Pine is a private land holding in the area. We took a tour with the owner. It was organized by Three Rivers Land Trust.

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