Thursday, July 29, 2021

July 21 In the Footsteps of Flora McDonald


I am told that this pile of rocks was the chimney of Flora and Allen McDonald's North Carolina plantation. 

The home's springbox is located a short distance away. Note the large stone steps leading down to it. 

The Hall Cemetery

Roadside marker on Lovin Hill Rd

Wanna go? Here is how. It's in Montgomery County, NC. Look for Lovin Hill Road. It's best to access Lovin Hill Rd from its southern end on Rt 731, but either way works. Basically, keep your eyes peeled for the above marker. There is a pull in and a road here. Park but do not walk up the road by the marker. As you face the marker, turn right and walk a very short distance on Lovin Hill Road to another gated road. That is the one to walk up. At the top of the hill, there is a small opening and cemetery on the right. Continue walking past the cemetery, going about as far as you did from Lovin Hill Rd to the cemetery. there will be a side road on the left. It has a steel pipe in the ground near it. It's best to find the spring first and then retrace to locate the house. It is also best to go when the vegetation is down. After you have turned left onto this road, it goes down a hill and up and down. You will notice after several hundred yards, the right side of the roads begins to drop away. there is also a plain 4x4 post in the ground near this spot. The Loblolly Pines give way to a second growth forest here as well. As soon as you see the landscape drop down slightly from the road level, head down and there it is. To find the pile of rocks, retrace your steps on the road uphill. About halfway or slightly more than halfway up the hill, look to your right about 200 feet for the rock pile. You may have to meander around a bit. 

Now, how to find their mill site. That will have to be another blog entry after I have located it. 

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Feb 28 Mayo River Hikes

  I think this is a Cayuga duck. While sitting in the picnic pavilion at Mayo River State Park, this guy and his mate approached and patient...