Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 3 New River trail - Pulaski to Galax

The first thing I realized this morning, I rode an extra 4 miles I did not have to yesterday. That doesn't sound like much but it was already a 56 mile day. Another 4 miles is tough. So it was a nice start to get on the trail and off the roads quicker anticipated. Still, it was a chilly start, perhaps 40 degrees but headed to 75.

Here I am in the early morning with sunrise warming the hills in the background. That is Draper Mtn I believe. The next really fun thing is coasting downhill for a couple miles just outside Draper. You have to get down to Lake Craytor level. This is one of my favorite sections as there is no development for some way.

The flowers were brilliant as they were yesterday. These Colombine are enjoying the sunshine.

The Hiawasee Trestle is one of the highlights of the trail. It is rusting away but hopefully will accommodate bicyclists for a long time.

There were a few more folks on the trail today. I'm going to guess I saw less than 10 bicyclists yesterday but about 20 today. Not much in my opinion for such a wonderful trail.

This is a waterfall on Chestnut Creek. I was pretty spent at this point but managed to struggle the last 20 miles into Galax just as the rain started.

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