Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 9 Grapeyard Ridge Trail

I had never walked all of this trail before. It is connected to trails leading from the concessionaire horse stables near Greenbrier. So, a good portion of the trail has been impacted by horse traffic and thus is not best suited for hiking. I saw looks of rutted areas and miry spots. Otherwise, the trail would be a fine hiking trail. I started at the Bales homestead on Roaring Fork Road and walked to camp 32 and back. I saw some nice Dwarf Crested Iris as above.

This trail does some up and down by is all low elevation. There was considerable development back in the pioneer days. I passed many rock piles, stone walls, fence lines and this spot above which looks like it could have been a bridge or maybe a mill.

It is early April but May Apples are blooming. You have to look under the big main leaf to see the bloom. Looks like a Trillium with a little extra.

Hikes aren't complete with the requisite pink lady.

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