Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mar 6 TRLT Hike


Travis welcomes everyone

This is the inaugural hike of the TRLT (Three Rivers Land Trust) Hike Club. The Hike Club will have one hike a month on TRLT properties. Today we are on a large tract of land near the Uwharrie River. There are conservation easements on this properties so it can not be transferred to the National Forest Service. Currently, TRLT has divided this land into hunting blocks and it is in their hunting program. Thus it is not open to the public.

TRLT Clubhouse

The property came with this deer hunting lodge, adorned with many skulls. Several other building are in various states of disrepair. 

Crystal leads the way

Cotton Family Cemetery

First stop is the Cotton Family Cemetery. There is a stone enclosure but most of the graves lie outside of it. There is one which intrigues us. "Letha consort of Thos Cotton". We speculate on this. I later saw on various grave and ancestry websites that Letha Coggin was married to Thomas Cotton and had 3 children. Why she was listed without a last name and as "consort" remains unexplained but I suspect it all made sense back in the 1870s.  

This structure is alongside the Uwharrie River and has a concrete slab inside. It must have supported a heavy piece of machinery at some time.

State Champ

Right alongside the Uwharrie, is this State Champion Short Leaf Pine. Crystal explained that it is a co-champion. Trees are measured in several ways and scored. If trees are within 10 points of one another, they are given co-champion status. 

Down by the river these daffodils grow. That usually means a homesite was there. These have an unusual look with a green tint within the flower. Someone called them Yellow and Green Eggs. 

Horse Pasture Creek

Historic Deer stand

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Feb 28 Mayo River Hikes

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