Monday, March 22, 2010

Birkhead Wilderness Hike

It was a pleasant day for a hike around the Uwharries. Five other PHOC members joined me for this Sunday jaunt starting at Tot Hill. We visited Rush's Mine/Camp 3. I noted that the boy scout's aluminum marker/sign was missing. It was there just a couple months earlier. From there we traveled through Fern Valley and took a short break at Fairview. Landy's sharp eye's spotted what I think was a Northern Ring Snake. The first snake of my year. Also got my first tick of the year.

After a brief visit to Bingham's Graveyard, we found a campsite at the confluence of Robbins and Hannahs to enjoy lunch a taste of some single malt scotch.

As we hiked on, I noted that the campsite I had reported to the Forest Service a couple months earlier, has been removed.

We finished up by hiking Robbins Branch Trail and then Birkhead Mountain Trail back to Tot Hill.

Trout Lilies were blooming along the creeks and someone spotted a single hepatica .

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Jan 4 Upper North Prong Hannahs Creek

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