Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 3 NC line to Damascus

Today I got a shuttle up to White Top. In stead of riding down immediately, I rode in the opposite direction to the NC state line. The trail is a bit rougher and wet in a couple areas. At the state line the trail continues on private land. 

The first stop for almost everyone on the Virginia Creeper Trail is Green Cove Visitor Center. It looked crowded today so I only stopped briefly before heading on. The trail to this point is in exceptional condition, but from here to Damascus, the trail tends to have random gravel in it making for a bumpy ride. 

There were tons of folks out on the trail today. Many walking, but most on bicycles. I don't think I was ever out of sight of rhododendron on this ride.

The 19 mile ride took a bit over 2 hours. 

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