Monday, September 24, 2012

Sept 9 New River bicycling

What a great to bicycle. The temperature was cool and sun was shining. Our group began at Foster Falls and headed to Fries Junction and back. As we drove to the Foster Falls parking area, the large abandoned building near the entrance gate was being remodeled. This building began in 1888 as a hotel. The hotel lasted until 1914. A few years later in 1919 the Abingdon Presbytery bought it and operated an indutrial school for women. In 1938 it housed a co-ed orphanage know as the Abingdon Presbyterian Children's Home. Musch of the original appearance of the building was altered by a fire in 1940. When the orphanage closed in 1962 it lay abandoned until now. 

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Feb 17 Check Dam on Uwharrie Tributary

  I'm call it a check dam but it has some differences from others we have seen in the Caraway Creek basin. This dam is located on an unn...