Tuesday, March 17, 2015

March 10 False Gap Prong

This was an impromptu stroll in Greenbrier. Driving in, I knew I wanted to wander somewhere but not sure where. It has been rainy and many of the spots I considered, would be muddy. Once at the turn to Ramsey's Cascade, I decided to walk up to the cemetery and look for the trail which goes beyond. I recall this is the way to the big tree which is the focus of every Spring Wildflower Pilgrimages' final Sunday walk. Never having gone on that walk; it must be a zoo; I still wanted to see the tree. 

This isn't the tree. It is False Gap Prong in the background. As I wrote, it has been rainy.

Confluence of Porters Creek and Ramsey's (Middle) Prong. 

After leaving the cemetery and finding the trail, I headed off on an old road with an occasional chimney pile and stonewalls like this one. About 2 miles from the road I encountered a creek crossing which I was not prepared to do and turned back. Next time I will come prepared and with more time. Not far from the wall pictured above is a trail leading left or north which I did not follow but will next time.

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