Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 19 Grandfather Mountain the easy way

Beginning of 3 tiers of ladders

"The easy way" = paying $20 ($18 with AAA) to drive to the Mile High Swinging Bridge instead of hiking up one of the tortuously steep trails.The Piedmont was melting in 95 degree heat but here in the parking area it is only 69. Occasionally I caught a breeze too. Nevertheless it is humid and I did sweat like normal. The trails here are 1 mph trails. The rocks and ladders and scrambling required make that so. Many of the ladders have been replaced in the past year. They are still in the same place and really, no easier. They do look nice. 

One last ladder to the peak

The one mile hike to MacRae Peak is an hour long journey with numerous ladders. Views are spectacular most of the way. It is not place for agoraphobics. Due to the rough terrain and many ladders, I decided to hike with one pole. Climbing ladders and rock scrambling was a bit easier with one pole rather than two. 

In the chute

Dark clouds began to form to the west. For about an hour, it looked like rain, then OK, and back to rain. Finally, I made the decision to head back before hiking all the way to Calloway. It did briefly rain once back at the parking area. Several lighting strikes kept everyone's attention. 

Getting through the Rock Jumble

On the return hike, I opted to use the Underwood Trail. It has only one ladder but it is an intimidating one. Underwood Trail is quite rocky and takes the same amount of time. It is better protected from lightening, which was a factor today.

Underwood Trail has one ladder and it is a dozzy

1 comment:

Dana Koogler said...

Well done! We hiked the Grandfather Trail out to Calloway Peak and back. On the return trip Kenny said there was no way in Hell he was going back the same way we came. We went back via the Underwood Trail which only has the one ladder. It was better for down climbing. It was fun and very worth the effort.

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