Monday, November 2, 2015

Oct 26 Hanging Rock Ridge

Cantilevered Rock

It is a bit overcast and was even raining a bit on the ride to Hanging Rock State Park. Driving up the park road was like entering a tunnel of yellow and orange. The trees really put on their best show.

Hiking up Hanging Rock Trail, I veered right before reaching the top, on the faint path which leads out Hanging Rock Ridge. Again the colors were on display. My first glimpse of the gulf between me and Indian Face was quite colorful.

After spending some time on both sides of the ridge, taking in the views, I continued on out the ridge. Expecting to see more of a path and possibly some flagging, I was inadvertently tracking right when I should have been  tracking left. Not hitting the gap dead on embarrassed me. I wanted to attribute it to the leaves obscuring my sense of direction. After a good 20 minutes and no sign of the plane wreckage I intended to find, I decided to abort and make my way back. After all, those leaves were a nuisance. 

American Holly

Retracing back to the trail was easy. One particular spot on one of the exposed rocks was exceptionally colorful with this Holly and what I think are some bright red sourwoods.


Bottle Gentian 

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Jan 4 Upper North Prong Hannahs Creek

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