Sunday, April 17, 2016

Apr 6 Little River State Park

Little River State Park is located just outside Waterbury, Vermont. It is April and I thought it would be a nice time to hike in Vermont. I started out in 16 degree weather by the frozen Waterbury Reservoir. The early morning sun was glistening off the ice and warming it just enough to cause it to crack. To me it sounds as if the ice is crying or moaning. The cracks last a moment or 3 to 4 seconds as they travel through the ice.

My route follows the Stevenson Brook. It is frozen in many spots. I'm glad to see bridges because that water looks cold. The route I've chosen goes by a number of old homesites, a couple cemeteries, a sawmill and school. This area was first settled in the late 1700s. It was logged and farmed and Maple sap was collected for over a hundred years. At that point the land had been over worked and many of the farms began to fail. That coincided with end of subsistence farming as industrial jobs in other areas were luring the folks away.

At one time this was a thriving community. There were a couple very large dairy farms, a church, school and many homes.

Remnants of that era are seen everywhere. I have no idea what this was. Farm equipment?

This appears to be a steam boiler, possibly to operate the sawmill located here.

Glass from a former homesite sits on the stone foundation for a barn.

Here is the foundation for a very large barn. It looks like it had a sizable crawl space under the first floor.

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