Sunday, May 13, 2018

May 5 Uwharrie Naturalist Day

It's a 7am start at Low Water Bridge near Ophir and there are 30 folks waiting. I did not expect such a gathering of early birds but that is why we came, to see the early birds. Brian O'Shea from the Raleigh Museum of Sciences is leading us on a bird tour of the 1300 acre Low Water Bridge Preserve, a property owned and protected by the Land Trust for Central North Carolina. Crystal Cockman has organized the event and Executive Director, Travis Morehead along with his family, are in attendance as well. There are some small kids along making this a nice family event.

The hike starts along the Uwharrie River. I'm at the tail of the group so I don't know what birds are being spotted. I do spot this Atomasco Lily.

We hear the usual suspects, a Black Throated Green and Pine Warbler. Then a Prothorntary Warbler, Scarlet Tanager and few others which have slipped from my mind. Above, we have to cross Big Creek. 

Flat land meant it was good for farming and living on, as we see above. About this point, our group splits, with about half heading back to the parking area while the rest follow Travis to view a mine. I opt for the mine. We veer off the old road and meander for about 15 minutes, Travis sensing the way. We have to cross a small creek and then at the top of a hill, I see a big pile of dirt. Expecting to see a pit mine, which are found throughout the Uwharries, I am stunned to be staring down a 40 feet shaft cut through rock. Travis mentioned the shaft was explored by a naturalist interest in the bat population here. He was lowered into the shaft. At the bottom there was a horizontal shaft in which some bats were observed.

A few more flowers were spotted to round out the day. A Lanceleaf Coreopsis above and Foam Flower below.

Sweet Shrub 

The gold mine shaft

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Feb 28 Mayo River Hikes

  I think this is a Cayuga duck. While sitting in the picnic pavilion at Mayo River State Park, this guy and his mate approached and patient...