Sunday, April 7, 2019

Mar 22 Carolina Beach State Park

Carolina Beach State Park is located on the Cape Fear River downriver from Wilmington NC. This part of the river is navigable for large ships. We did see a container ship making its way downriver. The USS North Carolina battleship would had to have gone by here to its current resting place near Wilmington. 

Today, the water was choppy with white caps and the wind was blustery, making hiking, when exposed, difficult. Back in the forest, in the protection of live oaks with Spanish moss, the wind's effect was muted.

So close to the mouth of the river, one would expect enormous amounts of sand. Here it is.

There are a number of trails snaking their way through the relatively small state park. We walked about 4 miles among the sprawling Live oaks. Some of the fresh water pools sported Cypress trees and, of course, Bay was everywhere, as you'd expect. So much of the nearby land has been developed. It was quite nice to see some preserved in its natural state.

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