Sunday, April 21, 2024

Apr 20 Waterwall on Walker Creek


Waterwalls redirect floodwater back into the creekbed. There is one very near the Uwharrie Trail on the Walker Creek section. This one is about a mile further downcreek. It utilizes a steep rock bank on creek right and this stonewall on creek left. It appears about a 10 foot section adjacent to the creek has been breached. Many large rocks are slightly downcreek, possibly knocked from the wall. 

It is barely 40 feet long. The upcreek side does not resemble a stonewall at all. It has been covered in sediment and looks like an earthen dam. These photos are all of the downcreek side. 

Not far from here is this stone chimney, still standing but looking precarious. 

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Feb 17 Check Dam on Uwharrie Tributary

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