Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Longer A&Y

Today the high temperature was not supposed to reach 90. I had to do something outside as this has been one hot summer and looks to continue that way. So I opted for a bicycle jaunt on the A&Y in Greensboro. Temps only in the high 70's but humidity tickled 100%. Very few folks out on the trail today until I got close to Bur Mil. That is where I ran into the runners, hordes of young kids. So many, I had to get off the trail while they passed. I pedaled past Bur Mil, past Strawberry Road and up to the end of the trail - but wait there is more. The trail continues. I thought this was just the greatest thing until it stopped in about one tenth of a mile.

Brand new pavement but only a stones throw worth.

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Feb 17 Check Dam on Uwharrie Tributary

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