Saturday, January 23, 2016

Jan 2 2016 Uwharrie Trail Hike

Photo Credits: Rick Morris

After shuttling, we gather at the Walker trailhead and begin our hike. There is lots to see and talk about on this first section of trail. There is the 14 foot high fence enclosing an adjacent property, the sorghum cooker, the detention dam and several chimney falls.

Here is the sorghum cooker. I have heard the Chattanooga Plow Company built and sold legal stills. Census data for 170 years ago, shows many of the males living in this area, listed their occupation as "distillery worker".

We continue through the area which will become off limits due to it being an archaeological site. We are told it was a temporary camp for Native Americans in the Archaic Period. 

Hiking up and over King Mountain, we see several old deer stands, all on the Register of Historic Uwharrie Deer Stands during the late redneck period.

Will is quite amused at this tree. Very unusual for a pine tree.

Our lunch spot is the Eagles Nest shelter on top of Little Long Mountain. Many active fire ant hills in this area is a cause of concern to me.

Yes, it was a nice day, even for snakes. This guy did not appreciate being roused from its sunbathing time.

One last hurdle is crossing Poison Branch. We all managed to make it without a mishap. Although, no one was quite sure where to make the crossing.

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Feb 28 Mayo River Hikes

  I think this is a Cayuga duck. While sitting in the picnic pavilion at Mayo River State Park, this guy and his mate approached and patient...