Monday, April 23, 2018

Mar 10 Rock Castle Gorge Hike

Scarlet Elf Cup

The 11 mile loop hike at Rock Castle Gorge never disappoints. It has been 2 years since I made this trek. Today was a great day for hiking, with PHOC. As is the PHOC custom, the hike begins at the end of CCCamp Rd and head up right away. No point in saving the steep climb for the end, so lets get it over with right away. Of course, this does string out the group over a long distance. 

I spent extra time looking for blooming Skunk cabbage near the parkway but only saw one leaf just beginning to poke through. It was onward across the cattle pasture and onto the stone structure which has served as a lunch stop every time I've hiked through here.

The hike along the ridge was punctuated with jokes, and catching up with the lives of fellow PHOC hikers. My 2 year hiatus from club activities a topic of conversation as well. 

Above, is an intact chimney near the rock jumble. I always delight in seeing it still standing. 

Blood root was spotted in various places, a harbinger for Spring flowers.

This home had been occupied on a seasonal basis up until about 5 years ago. Now part of NPS property, the daffodils still bloom. 

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