Thursday, May 9, 2019

Apr 29 Rock Castle Gorge Hike

It is a chilly morning to begin the hike but the steep uphill warms you up quickly. There was road construction on Rt 8 throughout the uphill portion. Once the trail levels, that was far enough away to not create any disturbance. Right here are many Showy Orchis, The big cedars by the old cabin are always a joy to see. In the wet area before the BRP, a sea of skunk cabbage thrives. I tried to find if any were blooming but I knew it was too far into the season.

The walk through the pasture was clear. Long range views were nice to see. Later in the day, these views hazed up. Stopping at the old AT shelter, I could see an abundance of Garlic Mustard and Lily of the Valley just beginning to bloom.

The ridge walk is always long and I find it monotonous. Back into the woods, there are some fresh blowdowns creating some creative detours. Some fresh barb wire fencing is also present. I checked the spot where Pink Lady Slippers bloom but it had vegetation only. Perhaps a week later they would pop.

Just after you make the muddy creek crossing, there is a seep loaded with Trillium and many other flowers and Jack in the Pulpits. I took dozens of photos here. Many of the Trillium had passed prime and were pink.

Both before and after the road jumble, a bunch of ramps were present. Their red stems give them away. Although, there are so many lookalikes, just be sure you don't ingest a False Hellesbore instead.

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Jan 4 Upper North Prong Hannahs Creek

  Hiking from the dam at  Plantation Road, up the creek toward Fern Valley. I've did this years ago but don't have any photos, so he...