Friday, August 15, 2014

Aug 15 Friday Forage

Black trumpets

After finding a basket of cibarius chanterelles yesterday by Walker Creek, I decided to head to the Birkhead Wilderness for more. I have noted during hikes where the mature white oak forests are. There are many. There are more potential foraging areas than I have time for. So if I have 2 hours to forage, there are places to go and if I have longer, there are more far flung spots. Today, I spent 3 hours in the forest and never got to the most productive area. I'll return there on Sunday.

Lots of white russula, cinnabars and a nice spot of shaggy stalked boletes. The trumpets I found looked past prime but the area was loaded with them and I can return again.

? a bolete maybe?

Shaggy stalked bolete

I have a few foraging tips. I like low level light. So early in the morning or in the evening. Once the sun gets up high enough in the canopy to start filtering through, it reflects off the leaf litter. Sometimes that is blinding which is never good when you are in prime rattlesnake area. Also, make note of the most likely host tree when you find a chanterelle. For me, there is, 95% of the time, a mature white oak near. I look for similar trees nearby. The ground should not be hard. It needs a little give. 


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