Tuesday, May 5, 2015

April 25 Rock House in Sugarlands

I have been to this rock house before, back when there was no path to it. Now, after several years, you really don't even need directions, just follow the beaten path. 

There were rumors the park would tear down the remains. I wanted to see what it looked like from a safety standpoint. The wall opposite the fireplace, is bowed and looks like you could push it over. I didn't even want to walk next to it. Almost all the door and window headers are precarious. A couple steel bed rails have been put in the doorway into the main room. The photos below will show large cracks in the walls and the header issues.

The quart cone beer cans are Krueger Ales produced in the late 1930's. 

The walk out to the rock house from Sugarlands took less than an hour. I was focused on getting there quickly because some rain was expected. However, on the return the sky turned blue and I took my time, visiting the remains of the CCC camp.

This appears to be a fountain. Placed next to a small steam, it is circular and could easily have had a piped fountain, gravity fed.

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Jan 4 Upper North Prong Hannahs Creek

  Hiking from the dam at  Plantation Road, up the creek toward Fern Valley. I've did this years ago but don't have any photos, so he...