Thursday, November 19, 2020

Nov 14 TRLT Outdoor Challenge Day 14

 Uwharrie Trailblazer Work Day on Robbins Branch

There's Gold in Them Thar Rocks

It's the second Saturday of the month. That means it is trail work day for the Uwharrie Trailblazers. This year, that day coincides with opening day of "Rifle Season". As we pull into Robbins Branch Trailhead, there are already a plethora of pickups. We gather our troops and tools. only 4 of us making up this crew. Others are elsewhere in the forest doing other things. Our objective is to clear some blowdowns off the trail and assess our run outs from the last work day. We have had plenty of rain in the past few days, so the run outs will be easy to assess and clear. 

The pesky Maple on Robbins Branch

We work on the run outs along Robbins Branch Trail. Generally, they are doing a great job and just need a little clearing out. Leaves have piled up in spots, affecting the drainage.

After passing the Thornburg junction, we see some wet spots that could benefit from some run outs. That is more work than we want to do today with out small crew. We push on to the big blowdown.

A huge Oak was recently uprooted and its crown is in the trail as well as a smaller maple. It takes us about 30 minutes to clear this. 

Great Blue Heron residing on Robbins Branch

On our return, we clear the pesky Maple near the big rocks by the Thornburg junction. That one has been bothering me for a while. 

It is not even noon when we get back to the parking lot. I decide to drive to Tot Hill Trailhead and check on a another tree.

The crown of this Oak was also in the trail. It took about 30 minutes as well to clear.

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