Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Nov 9 TRLT Outdoor Challenge Day 9

 Trail Maintenance at One Tree Hill

Death, Taxes and Trail Maintenance. You can count on them.

Deep River State Trail & Faith Rock Loop

Franklinville has a wonderful little trail system. The former railbed of the A&Y Railroad runs alongside Deep River through Franklinville on its way to Ramseur. The railbed has been reclaimed and now offers a few miles of multi purpose trail with intentions to expand in both directions out of town. 

Couple that with a recently conserved property on the opposite side of the river, Faith Rock. Piedmont Land Conservancy worked with Franklinville to protect and develop the small property. The spot has long been known as "Faith Rock". Named such for the legend of Andrew Hunter's leap of faith from the rock into Deep River while eluding his pursuer. Read the story from the plague below. 

Quite possibly, this is the view Andrew Hunter may have seen as he approached Faith Rock in a desperate effort to escape a certain death at the hands of David Fanning.

Could this be the spot at which Andrew Hunter initiated his jump into the river? 

After viewing the rock, we walked a pretty loop trail back to the river.

Silos from the old grain mill in Franklinville are seen across the river.

After our hike around Faith Rock, we crossed the pedestrian bridge back to the Deep River State Trail. We walked to the end of the trail which includes a short hike on an unimproved section leading to the Rt 64 bridge. This is the spot at which a bridge across Sandy Creek is planned. That would connect this section to the Ramseur section. It looks like you could wade across here in low water, but not today.

We made a short stop to view a Native American fish weir on Deep River. This fish weir was revealed a number of years ago when the Ramseur Dam was partially breached. Previously, this weir would have been under water. 

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